2009 was a busy year for me... and it brought along changes. I also did a lot of traveling.
January found me heading off to the final frontier, Alaska. It was a great time and I made some great friendships from there.
February was adventurous at work (oh the stories I can tell) and also found me celebrating my first blogiversary.
March was a crazy month traveling on an amazing (but short) trip to Hawaii, a madcap weekend in Indy where I ended up working at the last minute and heading to Amarillo, TX.
April was more Amarillo time where I had a great cast and we had a grand 'ol time.
May was Das Rheingold, my first Wagner, and the beginning of Butterfly. Oh, and it may have also been my birthday month. Celebrated with one of my best friends and the cast of Das Rheingold.
June found me celebrating a marriage between WS & GS and doing Butterfly with a schoolmate from college. It also found me mourning the loss of a dear friend.
July was when I made the big move from Houston to St. Louis. Much happier in St Louis... even though I do miss my Houston friends and favorite resturants.
August found me unpacking, organizing and generally relaxing. A welcome change.
September had me in Indianapolis again, working on another German opera. I also started Assignment: St Louis on Flickr.
October was my grandfather's 90th birthday and also sent me back to Alaska for a second time to do a double-bill of operas. I took seven flights in one week. Never again... (hopefully).
November found me finishing up my time in Anchorage and heading home for the holidays and a break.
December was blissfully quiet and work free. Sometimes that's a good thing. I got to hang out with a friend and see parts of St Louis that I don't get to normally see. I also participated in the bi-annual roommate reunion with my sophomore year roommates. We got it in just under 2 years and we had a blast.
I completed #1, #49 and #75 on my life list, as well as revamping it to be more realistic and attainable. You can't cross things off if they're vague.
I know a lot of my friends had rough, rotten 2009s. Mine wasn't 100% great, but it wasn't 100% bad either. I was lucky enough to keep up a freelance/contract job in a recession. I survived many companies closing.
May 2010 bring me many more adventures and hopefully more stability. And many new and fun photographic opportunities.