Saturday, June 27, 2009



We found this yarn at the cute local yarn store. The store is amazing - and even more amazing to my knitter friend/roommate. I was loving the pretty colors... she was drooling over specific brands that I'd never heard of.

We saw the sample scarf and fell in love with the yarn. NB offered to make me one and I picked some up. We both got a kick out of the names "Bonnie" and "Clyde" and how they 'belong' together.

I love this yarn, I love rainbow-y things and its a wonderful blend. In fact, we went back a day later to browse and the yarn was half-off (it was already a pretty good deal). So I stocked up. Now I've got enough for a few scarves, hats, etc. Yay stockpiling on an amazing yarn.

Check out Louet yarn if you want to see more!

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