Monday, January 3, 2011

Snowy Christmas Day

I don't celebrate Christmas in the sense that other people do, but I do celebrate it as a more special day than others. I'd been itching to get another crack at snow photos and mom wanted to take the dogs for a walk - so we compromised and she accompanied me to Forest Park. I had fun, the pups had fun and mom would've had more fun had her steps counted.

While it was fun to try to catch the falling snow the day before, the pictures from Christmas were much clearer, cleaner and crisper.

Here are just a few of my favorites:

Tommy & Tree

Pippin Excited Blur

Snowy Benches

Snowy Landscape

This was great wet snow - the kind that sticks to trees and sticks to itself, as evidenced by these mini-snowmen

Minature Snowman

Minature Snowman

Tom in Snow

Pip in Snow

We also came across a tree that was planted in the memory of a person whose friends decorated his tree for Christmas:

Outdoor Christmas Tribute Tree

Snowy Trees

Snow Shadowed Tree

Snowy Trees

Snowy Tree

Snowy Road

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