Monday, November 12, 2012

52 Week Project: Week 45

This week was an extremely busy one at work. We're celebrating our 25th anniversary this year - and our usual fall appreciation event was a little larger and complex this time. I had a chance to spend a little time with Tommy during the week but I don't want to oversaturate this project with Tommy, as cute and important to me as he is.

I took this photo in the "nick of time" on my iPhone - I think a first for this photo project. I gave myself the freedom to take with any camera device I had - but I always enjoyed using my DSLR for the project.

This is one of the flower arrangements from said event - hot pink against linens of navy and silver - stunningly beautiful.

52 Week Project: Week 45

I took more photos of our beautiful pup, Tom, but have already striven to take photos other than him this week. He's doing better but the days are still numbered... :-/

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