Sunday, January 1, 2012

Photo Project 2012 - 52 Weeks!

Two years ago, I attacked a 365 project for one year of my life - literally - birthday to birthday. Just yesterday, I officially finished my modified 365 project for 2011 - the details of which can be found here.

I really enjoyed working on the project, and found myself satisfied with the flexibility of lenient guidelines that I had laid out. I found myself with many more pictures that I enjoyed, but still, I did not like every single photo in the project. While I have changed jobs, my work is still time consuming. I don't always have the freedom to take a photo every day.

I was struggling on deciding on a project for 2012, vacillating from ideas such as St. Louis Iconic Alphabet, or a smattering of interesting topics. I also really want to learn more about my camera(s). If that requires me taking a class, then so be it. I want to move myself off "P" (Program). I know how to use Av (Aperture Priority) and Tv (Shutter Priority), but I don't always start there.

I decided that a 52 week project was the way to go - and that posting the best photo of the week would be a great guideline. But still, I faced the quandary - how much do I define it? Do I assign myself themes specific to the week, or do I pick 52 topics to cover over the entire year?

I decided tonight, that a happy medium could be found. I combined several different 52 week project themes from 2010, from various sources. And I came up with this:

52 Week Project 2012

So here are the few rules for myself:

1. Items must be taken from Jan 1, 2012-Dec 31, 2012.

2. Take at least one photo at week. Hopefully take several to choose from and post the best one.

3. There are 4 different topics to choose from to help guide your photography.

4. Post the best picture at the end of the week, on the designated Sunday.

5. Photos can be taken with the Digital Rebel XSi, G12 or iPhone.

6. Photos can also be enhanced via Photoshop, iPhoto or other programs. This is an effort to expand my photographical horizons.

Wish me luck!!


Pippin's Minions said...

Sounds like fun.
Can't wait to see the results.
Luck to you.
Lucky us.
Pip, et al.

Lorraine said...

I feel like this would be so fun.