Wednesday, November 23, 2011

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 23

Today, I'm grateful for a quiet day. I have been sleeping deeply as of late and I slept hard into 8:30, which for me these days, is late. I had a slow-moving morning where I read and worked on a baby gift, and then went into work.

Work was eerily quiet - with several classes cancelled, students already on Thanskgiving break outside of St. Louis - when the halls should have been teeming with dancers, there were almost none.

It's nights like these where I wish I had a pile of work to do but my focus is off tonight anyway.

I'm also thankful for the training I've been give over the years on the ETC Expression 3 - for I successfully resurrected old cues and rewrote them. Small victories, but I'll take them when I can have them!

Red Rose

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