Saturday, November 5, 2011

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 5

Today, I must give thanks to Nancy M, who taught me how to do counted cross-stitch way back in elementary school. I forget why or how we met up for me to learn. I stitched some horrifyingly sloppy thing onto a hand-towel, which I'm sure my parents still have.

That was way back in 4th or 5th grade, and somehow I've still maintained it as a hobby. Its a craft that I really enjoy for it makes me work hard, and think, and yields beautiful results. That being said, please don't look at the backside of my cross-stitch projects, they're a hot mess. You're supposed to tie things back neatly, and the back is supposed to look almost as good as the front. 'Fraid not with mine, but that's how you'll know its from me.

This art, which I can put down and pick up at any time; and doesn't require maintaining a certain amount of thread tension (like crochet and knitting do) has allowed me to put time and effort into gifts such as non-religious marriage announcements and most often, baby gifts.

Too often cross-stitch is associated with religious sayings, country samplers, and other stuff that doesn't catch my interest. The more complex the pattern is, the better. I tend to steer away from cheesy and often find myself stitching Asian-inspired patterns. I did a vegetable wreath for my parents, I've done countless baby records, and a few other random pieces.

But my favorite pattern of all is the one with the Dalmatian puppy who is missing a few spots and is surrounded by dark marks on the floor. The pattern's title is "Achoo!" - I've stitched one and bought the pattern again for keeps. That is exactly my style and humor.

But another thing I love is that it is an uncommon craft for someone my age. In fact, I only know a handful (single hand) of my contemporaries that know how to, and semi-regularly, cross-stitch.

So thank you, Nancy M, for teaching me this lovely art.

Now, I've got to go finish this HUGE baby animal afghan project... I'm on letter "U" and the baby is due early January! Must get cracking!

Red Rose

1 comment:

Mom said...

If this is the Nancy M I'm thinking of, your school at the time decided to let kids choose something to learn that interested them. They offered little 'mini lessons' with teachers and others - anyone at the school - who had a talent or skill they were willing to share. Some kids took chess lessons from the head of school... a huge variety of 'mini classes' were offered for a month or so. You took up counted cross stitch. It was a terrific educational experiment and you got something that's stayed with you. R and I treasure the piece of fruits and vegetables you made for us. Thanks, again!
Love, M.
PS you should send this to Nancy M. I bet she'd love to see it.